Thursday, March 31, 2011

First Post! only a few months late...

Hey everyone, my name is Dpan. I'm a first-year medical student in the city of Chicago. I'll be honest: I didn't have much of an idea of what medical school would be like when I got there, mostly just a vague image of me reading a few textbooks for four years, then POOF! Doctor!

So, in order to help out undergrads or high schoolers who may be in the same position I was a year ago (and also to keep a little journal going to chronicle my life in med school, you know, for posterity and all that), I thought I'd blog about it.

A few ground rules, just FYI, if I post anything about a patient or doctor or hospital--anything that might remotely be covered by HIPAA regulations--you can be sure that I've changed everything potentially identifiable about the situation. In fact, to be safe, I'll probably just avoid anything of that sort at all and just keep to vague generalizations. Last thing I need is to tack on a lawsuit to my $30k of debt...

I'll try to post both practical tips along with interesting stories, self-revelations, and whatever else might be of interest to budding young pre-medders. I have no idea what kind of a posting schedule I will keep, but hopefully I'll be getting out, say, one a week? Maybe more?

That's about it for now! With this first post out of the way, I'll dive right in to the first INTERESTING post of the blog...